Amateur Radio Appreciation Week
2024-06-19 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745
2024-06-19 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745
2024-05-01 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745
2024-03-14 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745
A New feature coming to the MARC Website is a member directory.
What do those four points mean. First there is a form you can fill out to be in the directory. If you don't fill out the form you will not be in the directory.
The directory has several fields you can fill out. If you don't some information shared don't fill out a field. There is only four required fields:
If you want to be an Elmer in some area click yes to the Elmer question and you will be presented with an additional section to provide information about how you would like to assist members of the club.
The directory will be in the Member's Section so only members will be able to view your information.
2024-02-22 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745
On last night's net in the ARRL Audio News, there were two items mentioned that you may want to look at more closely.
The views and opinions expressed in links below do not necessarily reflect the views of the Michiana Amateur Radio Club, its board, or membership. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors.
2024-01-16 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745
Good afternoon everyone, you may have noticed there is a motion before the ARRL board to make changes to Bylaw 46 at their next meeting on January 19th and 20th. If you are like me, you are not sure of what the changes are, what they mean, and if the changes are good or bad.
I am providing a list of sites that I found on different search engines that list the changes or talk about the changes so you can make up your own mind. I have not watched or read all of the links yet. I am just providing a bibliography of information.
The views and opinions expressed in links below do not necessarily reflect the views of the Michiana Amateur Radio Club, its board, or membership. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors.
ARRL New England Division Town Hall Recap, January 10, 2024
Article by Fred Hopengarten, Esq., K1VR