Member Directory Coming Soon.

2024-03-14 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

A New feature coming to the MARC Website is a member directory.

  1. This directory will be OPT-IN.
  2. It will only include information about you that you want to share.
  3. It will be in the Member's only section of the club website.
  4. It will also include Elmer information.

What do those four points mean. First there is a form you can fill out to be in the directory. If you don't fill out the form you will not be in the directory.

The directory has several fields you can fill out. If you don't some information shared don't fill out a field. There is only four required fields:

  1. Your email. The this email will not be shared in the directory. It is only used to contact you with questions. If you want to include an email there a field later in the form to do so.
  2. Name.
  3. Callsign.
  4. Do you want to be an Elmer.

If you want to be an Elmer in some area click yes to the Elmer question and you will be presented with an additional section to provide information about how you would like to assist members of the club.

The directory will be in the Member's Section so only members will be able to view your information.