Election 2024

2024-07-25 by Robert Bower W9RWB

At this year's election four new Directors will be elected. Which makes this year's election very important. The only returning board member will be Robert Bower (W9RWB) for the last year of his three year term.

To become a board member Article V of the Bylaws lists the following requirements:

1) Must hold a valid license from the Federal Communications Commission

2) Must have been a Club Member for at least one year

Below is Article VI of the Bylaws which outlines the election process.

Article VI Elections

The Directors at their meeting in September of each year, appoint a committee of three members, none of whom are Directors, as a Nominating Committee.

1) Prepare a Slate of at least one person for each of the Directorships to be voted upon.

2) Present Slate, of those who have agreed to serve, at the October Social meeting to membership.

3) Further nominations from the floor may be made.

4) Membership votes at the close of nominations.

The President will appoint two tellers, neither of whom are Directors or on the ballot.

1) Verify and count ballots

2) Report the results to the membership.

Newly elected Directors will attend the November and December Board meetings. The Board of Directors, at the December meeting, will elect among themselves a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. The remaining one Director will be considered as the Director at large.

If you are interested on being on the Nominating Committe or have any questions please contact one of the current Board Members. Remember the September Board Meeting is held the first Thursday of the month so if you want to be on the Nominating Committe the Board needs to know by the end of August.

Note: A full copy of the Bylaws can be found under Club Documents in the Members only section.

Eclipse 2024

2024-03-22 by Robert Bower W9RWB

As many of you know Indiana is in the path of the solar eclipe on April 8, 2024. While Michiana is not in the path of the total eclipse, South Bend will have 96.9% coverage. To learn more about the solar eclipse go to the Nasa website https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when/.

HamSCI is sponsoring several events related to the eclipse. More information can be found at https://hamsci.org/eclipse. One of those events is the Solar Eclipse QSO Party. The rules are at https://hamsci.org/seqp-rules.

Repeater Cost

2024-03-22 by Robert Bower W9RWB

I am taking off my Board Member hat for a minute and want to talk to you ham to ham.

I just sent a donation to a ham because I use his repeater. I would also urge any of you who use someone's repeater to do the same.

The cost of a repeater and it upkeep is not an inexpensive venture. There are the upfront cost of equipment, computers, coax, and antennas but there are also ongoing costs like electricity, Internet access, and repair.

So if you share in the benefit of a repeater please consider sharing in the cost of the same repeater.

The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the Michiana Amateur Radio Club, its board, or membership. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.