Results of the Frozen Fox Hunt

2023-12-31 by Pete Shaw KB9ZRV


Frozen FOX Hunt

December 30, 2023


1st Mike Hardy, KB9YGO (right in photo)

2nd Daniel Kassner, K9KJD (center in photo)

3rd Dave Ellis, N9UH (left in photo)

Total of 10 people started. Fr Robert had to leave before he found the FOX. All had a good time. Even though the temperature was not freezing, I think we all got a bit cold. The FOX was hidden in George Wilson Park, hanging about 10 ft up in a tree.

Tentatively planning another fox hunt for February or March.

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ARRL Magazines

2023-10-05 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

In last night's replay of the ARRL's Audi News during the net, the ARRL Magazine, "On the Air" was mentioned. Just a quick reminder to those club members who are also ARRL members, your ARRL membership includes a paper subscription of one of the Arrl's magazines but also includes a digital subscription to all four ARRL Magazines.

Digital editions of all four of the ARRL's magazines can be found at https://www.arrl.org/arrl-magazines.