ARRL Magazines

2023-10-05 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

In last night's replay of the ARRL's Audi News during the net, the ARRL Magazine, "On the Air" was mentioned. Just a quick reminder to those club members who are also ARRL members, your ARRL membership includes a paper subscription of one of the Arrl's magazines but also includes a digital subscription to all four ARRL Magazines.

Digital editions of all four of the ARRL's magazines can be found at https://www.arrl.org/arrl-magazines.

Have you ever wondered about Ham Radio?

2023-06-10 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

Ham radio, my grandfather did that but nobody does that anymore.

Ham radio has not been relegated to the dust bin of history. Ham radio is alive and well. Ham radio continues to be a fun and exciting hobby. Come out for Field Day 2023 and find out yourself.

What is Field Day?

fdlogo "ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June of each year, thousands of radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations."

"Field Day is a picnic, a campout, practice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN!"

Come out to Henry Frank Park in Mishawaka on Field Day to see the exciting things you can do with ham radio. You will even have a chance to talk on the radio yourself.

Field Day starts at 2pm on Saturday, June 24th and ends at 2pm on Sunday, June 25th.

Field Day Aggregate Club Score

2023-06-09 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

Want to help MARC during Field Day but you cannot make it down to Henry Frank Park?

If you are operating on Field Day and submitting your score you can include a single club name with your score. See the information below from section 7 of the ARRL Field Day 2023 Rules.

Taken from Section 7 of the Field Rules 2023:

Aggregate Club Score: An aggregate club score will also be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions). Participants from any Class can optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day. For example, if Podunk Hollow Radio Club members Becky, W1BXY, and Hiram, W1AW, both participate in 2023 Field Day – Hiram from his Class D home station, and Becky from her Class C mobile station – both can include the radio club’s name when reporting their individual results. The published results listing will include individual scores for Hiram and Becky, plus a combined score for all entries identified as Podunk Hollow Radio Club.

So if you are operating during Field Day but cannot join us please consider including the club's name when reporting your individual results.

Recap POTA Plaque Event

2023-06-09 by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

I am a little late with this post but as they say better late than never. The weekend of June third and fourth was the annual POTA Plaque event. I was able to activate both Potato Creek State Park, K-2265 and Chamberlain Lake State Nature Preserve, K-4189. I had a total of thirty-seven FT8 contacts. While not a lot of contacts I was able to make a QSO with 7N1FRE in grid square QM05, which made my day, as it is my longest contact so far.

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Besides making a great contact, Roman, my black lab, and I had a great day at a couple of area parks.