Club Articles and News: meeting

January Meeting

2023-01-18 by Barry Keating WD4MSM and Rev. Fr. Robert Bower W9RWB WRPH745

January MARC Meeting will be on January 26th at 7:00pm EST at Grace Brethren Church (1715 E. Day Road, Mishawaka).

The January meeting will be a presentation on optimizing your home antenna.

Brian (K9TI) will give a presentation on antenna modeling software ARRL HFTA, high-frequency terrain assessment, coupled with the second piece of software. This allows you to model various antennas at various heights at your location. The antenna's efficiency and gain are greatly affected by the type of antenna and specific height being dictated by the terrain surrounding your station's location, even within several miles. Many times, higher is not best, or an expensive antenna such as a cobweb may not outperform a simple Dipole at just the correct height for your specific location. The club will be taking the names of those who wish to have their shack location used as an example to determine their best antenna choices.